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Terms of Service

  • Commissions must be payed with PayPal only. I require an email to invoice via PayPal.

  • Commissions do not have a set turn around time*, unless a date to finish the commission is agreed upon by both me and the commissioner. Final products are only subject to small changes, and unless otherwise clearly stated refunds are not available after a piece is finished and received by the commissioner. You may request a refund after one month if you still have not received your full commission. You will only get the amount in full if I have not yet started on the commission; depending on how much work I have done, I may take a percentage off of your refund. (e.x: I have finished the line work on your piece, if you request a refund at this time I will only be refunding half.)
    I reserve the right to rework any aborted commissions for uses such as "Your Character Here's" or offering the piece to others for their commission.

    * Depending on commission type, commissions will be finished within a week or a few months depending on previous queue

  • I hold the right to decline any commission for any reason. Common reasons may be; extremely complex character designs; species or design aspect I am unfamiliar with drawing* or overly explicit commission subjects*
    * Humans, detailed robotics or machinery, detailed armour, etc
    * Overly sexual themes, fetishes, heavy realistic gore concepts


  • Once commissioned art is recieved, you can use it for any personal or public use*. Credit is not mandatory but appreciated. You may repost art I have made for you on other sites; credit is mandatory in these circumstances; albeit linking to a site I frequently use (DeviantArt, Instagram, etc) or crediting my username (Pyde Art)
    * You may not use work commissioned from me in commercial use unless stated and agreed upon before commissioning. Depending on it's commercial use I may charge more. i.e; You want a bust to use in advertisements for a product you're selling, I add $100 to the total amount for advertisement fees.


  • You MUST be 18 years or older to commission pieces deemed Not Safe For Work (NSFW) from me. This includes additional characters owners. Failure to comply ONCE will get you blacklisted until you reach the age of 18.

Do's and Don'ts

Get familiar with what subject matter I'd prefer to accept!

If you're unsure I'll accept what you'd like to commission please message me about it!


  • Animals, Reptiles, Furries/Anthros, Mythical Non-Humanoids

  • Fan characters (i.e. MLP, Pokemon, Warriors)

  • LGBTQ+ Characters/Couples

  • Nudity*

  • Pornography/Sexually Explicit prompts*

  • Some gore (i.e. Candy gore, Pastel gore, light/mild real gore)


  • Humans, Mythical/Non-Mythical Humanoids*

  • Mechs, Complex Machinery

  • Fan Characters (i.e. Sonic, etc.)*

  • Hate/Discriminatory based prompts/designs

  • Extreme gore/Extreme torture

  • Kink/Fetish themes*

  • Characters labeled as slurs (i.e. c*boy, d*girl, sh*male, f*ta etc)

I charge 1.2x the base amount for Sexually Explicit work (NSFW)

*Depends on specifics, feel free to ask and specify what you're looking for
If what you'd like done isn't listed under dont's but may be considered risque, please feel free to ask me as well!

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